Nordic checklist food contact materials: Declaration of compliance and supporting documentation

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Tác giả: Mette Christiansen, Bente Fabech, Christin Furuhagen, Guðjónsdóttir Katrín, Mette Holm, Jónsdóttir Ingibjörg, Pirkko Kostamo, Åsa Lagerstedt Norström, Charlotte Legind, Ågot Li, Bjørg Mikkelsen, Liisa Rajakangas, Signe Sem, Julie Tesdal Håland, Agneta Tollin, Merja Virtanen

Ngôn ngữ: eng

Ký hiệu phân loại: 363.1926 Public safety programs

Thông tin xuất bản: Copenhagen K : Nordic Council of Ministers, 2015

Mô tả vật lý: 1 electronic resource (63 p.)

Bộ sưu tập: Tài liệu truy cập mở

ID: 175444

Documentation of compliance with the legislation is a corner stone in the control of food contact materials (FCM). In-house control is an important pre-requisite to limit contamination from FCM and shall be based on the declaration of compliance and supporting documentation at the responsible business operators in the supply chain. The goal of this project was to develop a Nordic checklist on documentation of compliance for FCM. The Nordic checklist contains several templates. The different templates provide check points on the minimum requirements for a declaration of compliance for all types of materials. The templates are meant to be used by industry and trade as guidance for drafting a declaration of compliance. Furthermore, the check lists are also meant to be tools for the public food and FCM inspection.
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