History of Yugoslavia

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Tác giả: Marie-Janin Calic

Ngôn ngữ: eng

ISBN-13: 978-1557538383

ISBN-13: 978-1557538499

Ký hiệu phân loại: 949.702 Yugoslavia, 1918—1991

Thông tin xuất bản: West Lafayette, Indiana : Purdue University Press, 2018

Mô tả vật lý:

Bộ sưu tập: Tài liệu truy cập mở

ID: 184935

Why did Yugoslavia fall apart? Was its violent demise inevitable? Did its population simply fall victim to the lure of nationalism? How did this multinational state survive for so long, and where do we situate the short life of Yugoslavia in the long history of Europe in the twentieth century? The Complete History of Yugoslavia by Marie-Janine Calic provides a concise, accessible, comprehensive synthesis of the political, cultural, social, and economic life of Yugoslavia?from its nineteenth-century South Slavic origins to the bloody demise of the multinational state of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.
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