Introduction to Biosystems Engineering

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Tác giả: Enda J Cummins, Nicholas M Holden, Jactone A Ogejo, Mary Leigh Wolfe

Ngôn ngữ: eng

ISBN-13: 978-1949373974

Ký hiệu phân loại:

Thông tin xuất bản: Minneapolis, MN : Open Textbook Library, 2021

Mô tả vật lý: 1 online resource

Bộ sưu tập: Tài liệu truy cập mở

ID: 192286

 The discipline of Biosystems Engineering emerged in the 1990s from the traditional strongholds of agricultural engineering and food engineering. Biosystems engineering integrates engineering science and design with applied biological, environmental, and agricultural sciences. Introduction to Biosystems Engineering is targeted at 1st and 2nd year university-level students with an interest in biosystems engineering but who are not yet familiar with the breadth and depth of the subject. It is designed as a coherent educational resource, also available for download as individual digital chapters. The book can be used as a localized, customizable text for introductory courses in Biosystems Engineering globally. It is written as a series of stand-alone chapters organized under six major topics: Food and Bioprocessing
  Buildings and Infrastructure
  Information and Communications Technology and Data
  Machinery Systems
  and Energy. Each chapter is organized around stated learning outcomes and describes key concepts, applications of the concepts, and worked examples. Instructors adopting or reviewing this text are encouraged to register with the publisher using this form.
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