Digital System Design - Use of Microcontroller

 0 Người đánh giá. Xếp hạng trung bình 0

Tác giả: Shenouda Dawoud, R Peplow

Ngôn ngữ: eng

ISBN-13: 978-1000793123

ISBN-13: 978-1003337942

ISBN-13: 978-8792329400

Ký hiệu phân loại:

Thông tin xuất bản: Taylor & Francis 2010

Mô tả vật lý: 1 electronic resource (570 p.)

Bộ sưu tập: Tài liệu truy cập mở

ID: 344077

 Embedded systems are today, widely deployed in just about every piece of machinery from toasters to spacecraft. Embedded system designers face many challenges. They are asked to produce increasingly complex systems using the latest technologies, but these technologies are changing faster than ever. They are asked to produce better quality designs with a shorter time-to-market. They are asked to implement increasingly complex functionality but more importantly to satisfy numerous other constraints. To achieve the current goals of design, the designer must be aware with such design constraints and more importantly, the factors that have a direct effect on them.One of the challenges facing embedded system designers is the selection of the optimum processor for the application in hand
  single-purpose, general-purpose or application specific. Microcontrollers are one member of the family of the application specific processors.The book concentrates on the use of microcontroller as the embedded system?s processor, and how to use it in many embedded system applications. The book covers both the hardware and software aspects needed to design using microcontroller.The book is ideal for undergraduate students and also the engineers that are working in the field of digital system design.Contents• Preface
 • Process design metrics
 • A systems approach to digital system design
 • Introduction to microcontrollers and microprocessors
 • Instructions and Instruction sets
 • Machine language and assembly language
 • System memory
  Timers, counters and watchdog timer
 • Interfacing to local devices / peripherals
 • Analogue data and the analogue I/O subsystem
 • Multiprocessor communications
 • Serial Communications and Network-based interfaces.
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